Rates and Fees – School Year

Per Person Tuition Rates & Fees 2024-2025

Academy Pass: $275 per month
Standard Pass: $298 per month

Early-Bird Discount: Sept.-June 2024/2025 Session: Register by July 15, 2024 and pay no registration fee plus get a 5% discount on costumes for June 2024 show. Register by August 1, 2024 and pay no registration fee.

Registration Fee:
$25 per family
$15 returning family

Private Lessons: $1.20 per minute

Drop-in Fee: $3 added to per class fee

Returned Check Fee: $30

Late Payment Fee: $15

Heartbeat Student Parent Discount: Parents of students at Heartbeat can take any amount of classes at 50% discount. Academy student parents can take one class free and all others at 50% discount. Take advantage of this benefit and enjoy!

What if a student in the summer audition period won’t know company placement results before the early-bird discount ends? Results for company auditions won’t be known until the end of each summer session in August. To take advantage of the discount, auditioning students should, therefore, go ahead and register for required classes specific to the companies for which they are auditioning. If a student is not placed in the desired company for the Sept.-June session, a recommendation will be made for classes to switch to as a plan of action to help the student in future auditions.

Refunds & Class Drop-Out: During Heartbeat’s September-June session, registration fee and first month’s tuition are not refundable for any reason. Full refunds are given only for class cancellation by Heartbeat due to insufficient enrollment. In the event of illness or injury supported by a doctor’s notice, refunds are given for the balance of unused paid tuition if the student can no longer return to class. A student dropping all classes at Heartbeat after the first month must submit a 30-day written notice to be taken off the billing cycle. Tuition will still be due during the 30-day drop-out period. During Heartbeat’s Summer Session, the registration fee is not refundable for any reason. Tuition is not refundable for any reason less than two weeks prior to the first day of our summer session. Refund requests before the two weeks prior to the start of summer session will incur a 50% fee. Full refunds are given only for class cancellation by Heartbeat due to insufficient enrollment, or for illness or injury supported by a doctor’s notice as detailed above.

What Defines a Class? All classes, whether taught onsite or virtually, are considered classes for which tuition is due. Both methods deliver training and the expertise of professionals in the performing arts.